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The Moscow Post

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Construction will judge: Talalykin became a victim of hardware intrigues?

Law enforcement agencies detained the former first deputy general director of the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services Vladimir Talalykin. According to some reports, he could be suspected of fraud on an especially large scale. The security forces have not yet provided details.

The Moscow Post correspondent understood the situation.

For the past two years, Talalykin, who has worked at the Fund since 2007, worked as the head of the commission on housing and communal services of the public council under the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Construction is headed by Irek Fayzullin, a protégé of the powerful "construction" Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin. Without their approval, he could hardly have continued on the council at his very respectable age of more than 70.

At the same time, according to in Network, allegedly the situation with criminal case of Talalykin could have man-made character - as if Marat Khusnullin's team tries to take control over everything in the Russian construction and housing and public utilities therefore "caps" the faces "cemented" in this sphere even before their arrival at a position fly.

In 2022 Fund of assistance to reforming housing and public utilities were included into Fund of development of territories. Coaching over the last is carried out by Khusnullin. At the same time Talalykin - one of most famous "insiders" of the Russian housing and public utilities, on him and his communications can be tied many gray schemes in the industry.

From Stepashin – to Rotenberg

The head of the Housing and Utilities Reform Assistance Fund, which was replaced by Vladimir Talalykin, was Konstantin Tsitsin. Previously, he was a senator from the Republic of Kalmykia. But the chairman of the supervisory board of the Fund was an extremely influential "old-timer" of Russian public administration: former Prime Minister, former Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (2000-2013), ex-State Duma deputy Sergei Stepashin.

In addition, Stepashin is a native of the special services. But he has long been no longer in high positions. If Talalykin's detention is a "dig" under Stepashin, what is the point?

Perhaps the fact is that until 2015 Stepashin, having a direct relation to the activities of the Housing and Utilities Reform Assistance Fund, was the chairman of the supervisory board of the Dynamo sports society. And its main sponsors and beneficiaries were previously Arkady and Boris Rotenberg, who later sold the VTB company. Behind the Rotenbergs - a lot of construction companies that receive colossal contracts from the state.

Previously, they were called the "kings of the state order". Many, the largest strategic construction projects are associated with their name. One of the largest companies associated with Rotenberg is PJSC Mostotrest with an order volume of 423 billion rubles. In 2020, it was reorganized - a separate structure of Roads and Bridges JSC was allocated from it. And already in 2022, it became one of the busiest construction companies in Russia.

By 2024, the amount of state contracts "DIM" exceeded 250 billion rubles. Could this money go to companies associated with people from Marat Khusnullin's entourage?

Construction will judge: Talalykin became a victim of hardware intrigues?

Arkady Rotenberg is used to the fact that the bulk of government orders in construction go to structures close to him? Фото: https://dailymoscow.ru/news/rotenbergi-vozglavili-spisok-10-...

Recall that with the arrival of Messrs. Rotenberg, the Dynamo sports society was actively engaged in the development business. "In Moscow, Dynamo is used as a ram to break through areas", said Oleg Mitvol, a former prefect of the Northern District. "For a small share in the project, they help with administrative resources". How it works, the former official did not explain, but if the Rotenbergs were involved in the case, it is not difficult to guess.

The investigation will show...

The criminal case of Vladimir Talalykin may be related to another process. In October 2023, the Basmanny District Court of Moscow arrested the former arbitration manager Svetlana Aglinishkene, lawyers Dmitry Sharifullin and Ekaterina Myskina on suspicion of embezzling money from the Territory Development Fund.

All three were charged with the fact that during the bankruptcy procedure of developer companies, the budget funds of the public law company Territory Development Fund were stolen. According to investigators, they indicated in contracts concluded with affiliated organizations, the overestimated cost of providing services for the protection of property of developers. Thus, the Territory Development Fund could have suffered damage in the amount of over 240 million rubles.

The alleged crimes were committed in 2018-2021, i.e. just before the merger with the Housing and Utilities Reform Assistance Fund. Until 2021, the Territory Development Fund was called the Fund for the Protection of the Rights of Citizens - Participants in Shared Construction. Both then and now, Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin is the Chairman of its Supervisory Board.

The media have been writing about the likely conflict between the teams of Khusnullin and Rotenberg for the construction market for a long time. According to the authors of the magazine "Company", we can talk about the "Tyumen-Tatarstan alliance", which opposes Rotenberg's companies.

Recall that Khusnullin, the former "construction" deputy of Sergei Sobyanin, arrived from Tatarstan, where he also headed the construction block. Subsequently, Vladimir Yakushev (the current secretary of the General Council of United Russia), who worked as deputy Sergei Sobyanin during his leadership of the Tyumen region, became the Minister of Construction.

Construction will judge: Talalykin became a victim of hardware intrigues?

Marat Khusnullin and Sergei Sobyanin. Фото:

Almost as soon as Mr. Khusnullin became deputy prime minister, Irek Fayzullin, the former head of the Tatarstan Ministry of Construction and a longtime associate of Marat Khusnullin, became Yakushev's first deputy minister.

Thus, Vladimir Talalykin, whether he is guilty or not, could become a stumbling block in the struggle of these two groups for control over the distribution of funds for housing and communal services and construction. This is hundreds of billions of rubles. It is possible that he will make a deal with the investigation, and we will learn many interesting details. The Moscow Post will monitor developments.


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