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The Moscow Post

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Hare trails Alexei Artyukhin

As it became known to the correspondent of The Moscow Post of the Moscow Region, the investigator of the Main Investigation Department of the TFR in the Moscow Region opened a criminal case under Part 4 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Embezzlement on an especially large scale"): the former mayor of Shatura is charged with embezzlement - more than 220 million rubles.

Recall that earlier Alexei Artyukhin already had criminal cases, and was even convicted twice. But nevertheless, he found himself in a high position - first in the chair of the mayor of the city of Roshal, and then Shatura, thanks to the tireless care of the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov. And, being the mayor, he also welcomed other criminal elements that could be wanted for a long time, as was the case with the adviser to the mayor of Shatura, former special forces soldier Stepan Lyubenko. But in the end, Colonel Lyubenko ended up in a pre-trial detention center, and now ex-mayor Artyukhin should send his "skis" there, not yet go around, along the hare paths!

"The whole town has fallen into disrepair!"

But for now, Mr. Artyukhin - as our informant from Shatura lightning to the editorial office - is reclining in a hospital bed, since immediately after the arrest, the former mayor's pressure rose greatly. And he was hospitalized.

And this is reported by the media, in particular, "RIAMO".

Meanwhile, in the social networks of the inhabitants of Shatura, like Roshal, the real dance of St. Witt began: the people do not hide their joy from the news about the hated mayor. Artyukhin's detention became topic number 1. People congratulate each other: "Finally, common sense won, Artyukhin brought the whole city into decay!"

Hare trails Alexei Artyukhin

Detention of Alexei Artyukhin. Photo by Rosgvardia, Moscow region. https://dzen.ru/a/ZpjMx3VpIG0xAJse

What is known about Mr. Artyukhin?

Born and raised in the city of Roshal, Shatursky district. Back in the 90s, he was convicted twice: he admitted this at meetings with residents of Roshal and Shatura. But, as he himself noted, he was able to take up his mind, got married and had four children.

The largest "joint" of Artyukhin is when he was engaged in construction. And he won a competition for the construction of several kindergartens for the municipality. I took the money, but I forgot to build kindergartens. And then a criminal case was initiated.

But in 2014, Artyukhin became the head of the city of Roshal. And the case was "frozen".

11 criminal cases of Colonel Lyubenko

Recall that the journalists of The Moscow Post have recently made several investigations about the work of Mr. Artyukhin as mayor.

In these publications, questions were constantly asked to the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov: why is Colonel Lyubenko, who has been on the wanted list since 2022, working in advisers to the mayor of Shatura Artyukhin?

Hare trails Alexei Artyukhin

Governor Andrei Vorobyov. Photo: https://www.zr.ru/content/news/837662-gubernator-podmoskovya...

And the former special forces soldier was wanted because he beat a 15-year-old teenager to a coma.

In the course of piesa with beating, some more criminal facts surfaced from the life of the former director of the Gornozavodskaya boarding school in the Stavropol Territory: 11 criminal cases were initiated against Colonel Lyubenko.

Note that Governor Vorobyov, like his press service, never answered journalists' questions, but investigators became interested in Lyubenko's new job.

And the real colonel was detained in February this year...

Hare trails Alexei Artyukhin

Stepan Lyubenko. Photo: https://abireg.ru/newsitem/90509/

Today Lyubenko is in a pre-trial detention center in the Rostov region.

"Children's" scandals of Alexei Artyukhin

Recall that the former mayor of Shatura Artyukhin also noted in scandals with children.

One such scandal occurred back in 2015, when Artyukhin worked as mayor of the city of Roshal: his great uncle distinguished himself by raising his hand to a disabled child who did not share something in the sandbox with his son. There was a conflict between Artyukhin's six-year-old son and a 10-year-old boy suffering from cerebral palsy. Artyukhin's son complained to his dad.

Cameras of the "Safe City" system recorded the moment when Artyukhin grabbed a 10-year-old boy by the ear and threw him to the ground. This story also went through NTV. Then the dozen mayor grabbed the boy by the T-shirt, but the T-shirt broke. Artyukhin kicked the boy.

Hare trails Alexei Artyukhin

Meeting two longtime friends. Photo: https://news.myseldon.com/ru/news/index/244973066

The Investigation Department for the city of Shatura of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region conducted an inspection. And a criminal case was initiated under the article "Beatings": Artyukhin was charged!

But the mother of the beaten boy said that she had no complaints against the mayor, they say, the conflict was settled. According to the police, the mother of the beaten child could refuse claims to the mayor under pressure from the local crime boss Tyson, a friend of Artyukhin.

Then there was another children's scandal, our readers reported this in the editorial office.

Artyukhin's 9-year-old son publicly mocks Andrei N., the son of a member of the SVO. But the police are inactive. And the son of Artyukhin - as our readers report - is called a difficult child. And, apparently, because everyone allows this offspring, who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. And at school, the son of the ex-mayor of Shatura behaves as if he were a prince. Behaves defiantly with peers. And especially Andrei N.

The boy's mother has repeatedly contacted the police, but only there is no reaction! Moreover, she even began to receive threats. And Artyukhin Jr. is simply outrageous: recently, he stuck a pencil into Andrei N.'s ear with a running start.

But perhaps now, after the initiation of a criminal case against dad Artyukhin, the police will finally deal with the bully?

The era of ex-mayor Artyukhin, like Colonel Lyubenko, is over in Shatura...


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