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The Moscow Post

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Avdolyan was billed billions for the Hydrometallurgical Plant

The arbitration, where the bankruptcy case of the plant is being heard, on August 14 will consider a petition to bring to subsidiary liability a number of persons, including the oligarch Avdolyan, who has been repeatedly named the ultimate beneficiary of the assets. At the same time, officially financial schemes, including with the transfer of billions of rubles to affiliates, were carried out by various kinds of "proxies," and the oligarch himself remained clean.

The UtroNews correspondent understood the story.

On August 14, in the arbitration of Stavropol, it is planned to consider an application for bringing to subsidiary liability for the obligations of OJSC Hydrometallurgical Plant a number of persons, including Albert Avdolyan.

By the time the company moved from observation to bankruptcy, its debts had already crossed the mark of 3 billion rubles. Thus, at stake is billions in debt.

Photo: ras.arbitr.ru

Recall that the beneficiary of the Stavropol OJSC Hydrometallurgical Plant (GMZ) for the production of fertilizers and affiliated with it - CJSC Southern Energy Company and LLC Intermix Met oligarch Albert Avdolyana, who is very friendly with the head of the state corporation Rostec Sergey Chemezov, became in 2018. At the same time, his "proxies" appeared in the documents as legal owners.

Four years later, a message appeared in the media from the press service of Avdolyan that the assets were allegedly sold, and the "enterprise itself was lifted from ruins and nothing threatens it."

In fact, the amount did not change from the rearrangement of the places of the terms - among the owners were all the same squires of the billionaire. And the assets themselves resembled a sieve through which billions of rubles flowed. At the same time, part of the amounts under certain agreements were transferred to the accounts of firms close to the oligarch. Liquid property was also transferred to freshly created companies. So, GMZ, YUEK and Intermix Met after the transaction began to work under the "cap" of Almaz Group, becoming Almaz Fertilizers, Almaz Energo, Almaz Tech. The group also included Cashmir Capital LLC, which operated as the Almaz Fertilizers trading house, and it was to the accounts of this company that at least 9.4 billion rubles sailed from the Hydrometallurgical Plant.

During the trial, it also turned out that the transactions themselves for the purchase of shares brought to the handle of enterprises were cheap, and the real value of assets was thousands of times higher.

The court also raised the question that at least Intermix Met was brought to bankruptcy and not for objective reasons, but because of the behavior of the oligarch, who violated all agreements and "deviated from the developed business plan to restart production."

And now, in the course of bankruptcy cases, firms associated with Avdolyan are trying to enter the register of creditors in order to have their own financial interest from the ruins that remained from the enterprises. More about this UtroNews has already told.

The fact that it is Avdolyan who is the beneficiary of the assets has repeatedly flashed in the materials of the courts. So, for example, back in June 2024, it was directly stated that YUEK is still controlled by A.A. Avdolyan.

The materials of the bankruptcy case of GMZ in 2023 also clarified that OJSC Hydrometallurgical Plant (debtor), CJSC Southern Energy Company (creditor) and Almaz Capital LLC (creditor) are affiliates through the control of one ultimate beneficiary - Avdolyan Albert Alikovich.

Photo: ras.arbitr.ru

The same case explicitly states that Almaz Capital LLC has the status of a majority creditor (76.78%) and actually tried to take control of the bankruptcy procedure. All members of the creditors' committee at that time were judicial representatives of companies and persons controlled by A.A. Avdolyan - Almaz Capital LLC, Southern Energy Company CJSC, Enigma LLC, Cashmere Capital LLC and so on. At the same time, according to the court, the adoption of decisions by the committee was transferred to the exclusive competence of Avdolyan A.A.

Other creditors were simply not allowed to the committee, having voted for the necessary candidates. An interesting way to raise enterprises from ruins, don't you think?

When the facts began to emerge in the courts and in the media, exactly how the Stavropol assets were "saved," in the companies that were called as affiliated with Avdolyan, very interesting castling began to occur.

The same Cashmere Capital was transferred to a certain Almaz Tech LLC in 2022, in fact excluding individuals from the list of owners that are close to the oligarch through different assets.

At the same time, the share of the new owner was pledged by the BBR to Dmitry Gordovich's Bank, which flashed more than once in Avdolyan's ambiguous stories and schemes.

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Thus, the BBB bank was a participant in transfers of 100 million rubles to accounts in the Latvian bank JSC Citadele Banka, in which offshore companies appeared, which are close to the oligarch.

And one of the bank's shareholders, Dmitry Gordovich, was a participant in the scandalous case of the collapse of the energy holding MRSEN (Mezhregionsoyuzenergo).

The holding was headed by a shareholder and relative of Avdolyan (by marriage of children) Eldar Osmanov, who later became a defendant in a criminal case. At the same time, the offshore companies that were associated with Avdolyan appeared in the MRSEN case as creditors who allegedly at one time credited the subsidiary assets of the energy holding, and when they went bankrupt, they tried to enter the register of creditors. Does the scheme resemble anything?

But let's return to the legal entities that flashed in the history of the ruin of the GMZ.

Almaz Capital LLC, which acted as a majority creditor, and in terms of financial indicators (loss of 108 million rubles) more resembles a one-day company, in February 2024 a certain Daria Kusheva was sold. Why the lady, who has no other assets, needed to buy an unprofitable LLC, one can only assume. But she also leaked Almaz Innovations, which belonged to another squire of the billionaire.

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Earlier, the editors suggested that the sale of Kusheva could be an attempt to remove the company's affiliation with GMZ, which would allow it to enter the register of creditors. But in this case, this story would smell even worse. And it would be difficult to conduct a trial with such a maneuver. After all, Almaz Capital LLC also appeared as the owner of the property of the GMZ - it was he who was presented with claims to buy up the asset at a cheap and significantly lower price.

In general, the picture looks as if Avdolyan is cleaning up traces of his presence in the history of the collapse of GMZ and related companies. But, it seems, other, independent, creditors do not agree with this situation. It is not for nothing that Avdolyan also appears among the defendants in the application for subsidiary liability.

If the requirement is satisfied, then the question of other responsibility may well be raised. Indeed, not a few financial schemes have accumulated in the case, which at least can form the basis of pre-investigation checks with far-reaching results.


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