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The Moscow Post

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"Reincarnation" by Sergei Abeltsev

As the correspondent of The Moscow Post suggests, apparently, Vladimir Volfovich turns over in his coffin, because Sergei Abeltsev was a long-term "squire" of Mr. Zhirinovsky and carried out the most delicate assignments, but now he is in jail.

63-year-old Sergei Abeltsev is suspected of fraud for 10 million rubles, he faces up to 10 years in prison: it turns out, everything is "ten!

" The public, of course, should remember the bright "pearls" of this heavenly cherub of Mr. Zhirinovsky: during the period of bird flu, Mr. Abeltsev should be called upon to shoot all infectious birds with air defense forces... He came up with the same punishment for atomic minister Yevgeny Adamov when he ended up in a Swiss pre-trial detention center: as a bearer of nuclear secrets, Minister Adamov should be liquidated right in Bern!

Vladimir Volfovich seemed to listen to the advice of the "gray cardinal." And he gave out his "foams", along the way protecting Abeltsev from criminal cases, which generously fell on his head, similar to a billiard ball. But now there is no one to protect and protect: Doctor of Law Abeltsev will be in red in jail until mid-September.

Promised the "crusts" of the deputy's assistant

According to the investigation, Mr. Abeltsev reported false facts about his acquaintances and connections with high-ranking officials from among the deputies of the State Duma when he promised to reward the "crust" of the deputy's assistant.

This was reported by the press service of the Zamoskvoretsky district court.

"According to the investigation, Abeltsev, realizing a criminal intent, reported false facts about his acquaintances and connections with high-ranking officials from among the deputies of the State Duma, in connection with which, for a monetary reward, he had the opportunity to resolve the issue of employment as an assistant to the deputy".

The court clarified: Sergei Abeltsev is accused of committing two crimes under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Fraud on an especially large scale").

By the decision of the Zamoskvoretsky District Court of Moscow, Sergei Abeltsev was elected a preventive measure in the form of detention until September 17, 2024.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky and his permanent assistant Sergei Abeltsev. Photo: https://alldaily.ru/2024/07/18/zaderzhan-byvshij-pomoshhnik-...

Sergei Abeltsev was detained near the capital's National Hotel.

Recall that Mr. Abeltsev was an assistant to Vladimir Zhirinovsky for 11 years: from 2011 to April 2022. Sergei Abeltsev was a member of the Supreme Council of the Liberal Democratic Party. And four times he was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, was the head of the subcommittee on combating crime and corruption, a kind of "minister of security" in the shadow government of the Liberal Democratic Party.

And he resigned only in 2021.

Belozer's criminal case

In the bright life of Mr. Abeltsev, high-profile criminal cases have already happened: back in 2007, the court sentenced Abeltsev's assistant Valery Belozera to 7 years in prison on charges of extorting 600 thousand greens from the chairman of the board of Epin Bank Natalia Kremleva.

Mr. Belozer held several meetings with Natalya Kremlyova in Abeltsev's office in the State Duma.

The media became very interested in this muddy story, which reported that Valery Belozer wrote and wrote letters to the Prosecutor General (at that time) Yuri Chaika, in which he claimed that he acted on the orders of Sergei Abeltsev.

This, in particular, was reported by the "State Secret".

Yuri Chaika. Photo: https://life.ru/p/1109103

Deputy Abeltsev, with the support of Vladimir Volfovich, said that the assistant was stipulating him. He demanded that the administration of the pre-trial detention center introduce censorship.

Mr. Abeltsev also had a loud scandal in February 2019, when he came to the office of 66-year-old businessman Mikhail Melnikov and began to demand to terminate the previously concluded contract.

Sergei Abeltsev extorted almost 50 million rubles from businessman Melnikov, and at the same time threatened with reprisals.

This was reported by Ren.TV.

The police took up this muddy story.

And it seems that only now God and other criminal stories of Abeltsev, who was covered by guru Zhirinovsky for many years, will begin to creep into the light: this is how "reincarnation" turns out.


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