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The Moscow Post

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They forge while it is hot: Chemezov behind the budget "machine"?

The 77-year-old founder of the Lipetsk Machine-Tool Enterprise (LSP) Vladimir Petrov has been put on the international wanted list. Earlier, a criminal case was opened against him about embezzlement of budget funds allocated by LSP by Stankoprom, a Russian machine-tool holding under the management of Rostec.

If Petrov had anything to do with the theft of Stankoprom's money, he hardly did it alone - he could have possible accomplices in the very "daughter" of Rostec. He turned out to be a convenient figure to "lower all the dogs on him," while the LSP itself in the future can be absorbed by the same "Stankoprom."

Details - in the material of the correspondent of The Moscow Post.

The situation is strange and extremely confusing. It turns out that Petrov flew from the country to Armenia back in May. He claims that he agreed his departure with the investigator. If this is not the case, the question arises, how then did the person under investigation under recognizance not to leave miss control at Sheremetyevo?

A criminal case against Vladimir Petrov was opened back in 2019, i.e. the proceedings are already in their fifth year. Initially, Petrov and his brother Kirill were charged with embezzlement of 40 million rubles in the supply of old machines under the guise of new ones. The brothers were taken into custody, then sent under house arrest, and in 2020 they softened the measure of restraint again, releasing them on recognizance not to leave.

During this time, the amount of damage imputed to them increased to 200 million rubles. Subsequently, Vladimir Petrov, separately from his brother, was found guilty of tax evasion and received a two-year suspended sentence. He himself did not admit his guilt, and at the end of 2023 the Petrov brothers were put on the wanted list.

At the same time, it was not an episode with LSP, but with another Petrov company - Intermash, which, according to the investigation, underpaid 111 million rubles to the budget by providing fictitious documents on the acquisition of LSP machines and components.

It turns out that Vladimir Petrov flew out of the country only in May 2024? Why wasn't he found, how could he get "permission" from the investigator? I.e. he could actually be "released" from the country.

Perhaps Mr. Petrov was aware of possible large-scale violations with state money of Stankoprom JSC, one of the strategic enterprises of our country developing the machine-tool industry?

To Petrov - a lot of questions

Vladimir Petrov's companies deserve separate consideration. The same LLC "Intermash" is quietly operating today. Information about the address of registration of the company and its leader, submitted to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, was recognized as unreliable. All 100% of the shares of Intermash LLC belong to IG Soyuz LLC.

The company has government contracts for 836 million rubles. Among them there is a contract from 2019, when the Petrov brothers were under investigation. There are many notable structures among counterparties. These are the structures of Rostec (PJSC Odk-UMPO) and Rosenergoatom. But most of the money was received from STP-LSP JSC.

They forge while it is hot: Chemezov behind the budget "machine"?

Photo: Rusprofile.ru

Until January 2022, STP-LSP JSC belonged to the same IG Soyuz LLC, which today owns Intermash. The owner of 66% of IG Soyuz is Kirill Petrov. Another 33% belongs to Schwab Walter - his share is pledged by Vladimir Petrov.

They forge while it is hot: Chemezov behind the budget "machine"?

Photo: Rusprofile.ru

Why did STP-LSP suddenly act as the manager of budget funds? The fact is that 1 share of the enterprise belongs to the same Stankoprom JSC, which is part of the Rostec circuit. And the money should be budgetary, received, including through subsidies for the creation of import-substituting products. I.e. in "Stankoprom" all this "disgrace" should have been seen, have financial information, access to meetings of owners, etc.

They forge while it is hot: Chemezov behind the budget "machine"?

Photo: Rusprofile.ru

Back in 2019, during the creation of the joint venture, it was said that Stankoprom JSC could become the majority owner of STP-LSP. Apparently, such an agreement was with the Petrovs, but when they "let" hundreds of millions of rubles through government contracts through the company, they might not want to reduce their share. And then suddenly there was a criminal case of fraud.

At the same time, it was the budget represented by Rostec that financed the creation of STP-LSP production - for these purposes, according to the state program "Development of industry and increasing its competitiveness," the plant received an interest-free loan of almost 400 million rubles (the total funding for the program throughout the country - 1.8 billion).

As a result, STP-LSP JSC acted as a supplier under government contracts for almost 100 million rubles, the customer - for almost 580 million rubles. And today the company was included in the Register of unscrupulous suppliers.

They forge while it is hot: Chemezov behind the budget "machine"?

Photo: Rusprofile.ru

And if the claims to Petrov are clear, why no one "shakes up" the management of Stankoprom. The managers of Sergei Chemezov did not see where and through whom the money went? Or money, as if on a machine, is printed by Chemezov himself - distribute it to anyone?

Let's return to the main enterprise of Vladimir Petrov - Lipetsk LSP. It turns out that there are two absolutely similar in name LSP - one LLC, and the other JSC. Both companies are engaged in the creation of machine tools, both receive hundreds of millions of rubles under government contracts, and Petrov is related to both.

In JSC "LSP" Vladimir Petrov is listed as the head. The company acted as a supplier under government contracts for 385 million rubles. The execution of four agreements from 2011 to 2015 for the supply of machine tools in the amount of about 13 million rubles was terminated ahead of schedule.

Despite government contracts, for several years the structure has not received any revenue, at the end of 2023 its loss amounted to 2.1 million rubles.

A completely different situation in LLC "LSP," which at the end of 2023 received revenue of over 1 billion rubles, profit of 72 million rubles, accumulated assets of 465 million rubles. The company has government contracts worth 166 million rubles.

They forge while it is hot: Chemezov behind the budget "machine"?

Photo: Rusprofile.ru

Now LLC "LSP" belongs to Dmitry Pakhomov, who may be the "face value" of the Petrov brothers. Indeed, until January 2022, Vladimir Petrov was present in the capital of the company. He came out of there, it seems, only against the background of criminal proceedings.

All roads lead to Stankoprom

We have no doubt that all these companies and contracts should be the subject of the most thorough inspection by law enforcement agencies. But what about Stankoprom JSC, which has been headed by Mikhail Kaluzhsky since 2023?

Companies are trying to attribute unfriendly takeovers. So, in the Perm Territory, she worked in a joint venture on conditions similar to work in STP-LSP JSC, having one share in Perm Metalworking Centers JSC. First, Stankoprom gave a loan of 270 million rubles, after its return it demanded interest, and now the case may end with the confiscation of the pledged property - i.e. the property of PZMC JSC itself. Kommersant writes about this story.

Now let's remember another moment: in 2019, a powerful scandal erupted around Stankoprom JSC. Then the activities of the structure became the subject of a close check by the Prosecutor General's Office - Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika himself reported on its results to the Federation Council.

It turned out that by that time none of the three projects for the creation of serial production of machine tools had been completed, for the implementation of which in 2015-2016. more than 1.8 billion rubles were allocated from the budget, and "for the period from 2014 to 2018, the holding company did not develop or create a single domestic machine." Wow.

They forge while it is hot: Chemezov behind the budget "machine"?

Sergei Chemezov, as usual, is beyond any suspicion. Photo: https://www.rbc.ru/interview/politics/16/09/2019/5d78cfca9a7...?

It turns out that instead of its direct work, Stankoprom JSC distributes loans, and then fiercely sues their recipients for the property of this or that enterprise. Is this the development of machine tool building that Sergei Chemezov and his associates from Rostec and the Ministry of Industry and Trade offer us?

In this context, a serious question arises: what are the real interests of Stankoprom in the criminal case against Vladimir Petrov? Perhaps they could commit some frauds with budget money together, and now he and his brother are perfect as "scapegoats."


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