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The Moscow Post

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Three "thieves" Ilshat Nigmatullin

The son-in-law of the Prime Minister of Bashkiria Andrei Nazarov, Ilshat Nigmatullin, arrested on suspicion of giving a bribe, issued the developer Accord through GK Granel LLC.

Previously, the company belonged to a rather busy "trustee," who flashed in financial and credit schematics, as well as a scandalous transaction for the withdrawal of assets of Mehkolonna-15 JSC.

The UtroNews correspondent understood the new "trick."

Recall that today the son-in-law of the Prime Minister of Bashkiria Nazarov, married to his sister Svetlana Ilshat Nigmatullin, who is also in business with the Prime Minister's wife Larisa Nazarova and his son Denis, is involved in a bribe criminal case. Together with him, the top manager Graneli, who has a related business with the Nazarov-Nigmatullin tandem, Dmitry Adushev, got burned out trying to resolve issues with the Federal Tax Service. It is not surprising that now the largest developer of the Moscow Region GK Granel, working in the region, where the current head of Bashkiria and part-time friend of Nazarov Radiy Khabirov previously had influence, is attracting such close attention.

Earlier, the editors of MorningNews found that some companies in the division did not pay 32 million rubles in taxes, and also that a number of legal entities that inherited in muddy credit and tax schemes were leaked by Granel to close associates.

But the company, on the contrary, chose to take over some assets. These include LLC "SZ" Accord, "which was created in 2022.

At the end of April 2024, a certain Gulnara Khusainova sold LLC GK Granel, which is owned by Ilshat Nigmatullin, a 64% stake in Accord. The share is included in Bank Дом.РФ JSC, which hints at the possible participation of the company in the implementation of the housing project.

The remaining part of the Accord company is owned by a certain Mikhail Siteev, who has no other assets. Siteev received his share in 2023 from Vladimir Kudryavtsev, which has intersection points with Igor Mozhaisky and Igor Denisov from the United Europe Group of Companies, which works in the field of perfumes and is also engaged in real estate.

Three "thieves" Ilshat Nigmatullin

Photo: rusprofile.ru

But of greater interest in this story is Gulnara Khusainova, who, having sold her stake to Nigmatullin, remained the director of Accord. By the way, while the developer is not particularly attractive financially: in 2023, his revenue was only 201 thousand rubles, and the net loss amounted to 3.1 million rubles.

Ms. Khusainova is not Graneli's stranger at all. The lady received the TIN in Bashkiria, and in Moscow she has a 98% stake in Dialogue LLC (real estate management).

Three "thieves" Ilshat Nigmatullin

Photo: rusprofile.ru

In the biography of the company "Dialogue" at one time noted Jan Sukenik - ex-director and shareholder of the former state-owned enterprise, successfully privatized in the 90s.

Three "thieves" Ilshat Nigmatullin

Photo: rusprofile.ru

As previously reported by The Moscow Post, ultimately the assets of the Kuzminskoye state-owned enterprise ended up in the hands of Graneli. This surfaced after a lawsuit by the City Property Department, which doubted the legality of Granel's receipt of a building in Moscow and filed a lawsuit. On May 21, 2024, this case was suspended.

Three "thieves" Ilshat Nigmatullin

Photo: kad.arbitr.ru

An interesting fact: in 2017-2022, a certain Grigory Kolobov appeared among the owners of Dialogue. He also owns a stake in Ladoga LLC, and his business partners until 2023 in this company were Neli Levitina and Alexander Levitin, relatives of the former Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Igor Levitin.

Another notable person is the director of Dialogue Pavel Sokgobenzon, who was also the liquidator of LCD Invest LLC, which passed to him from Nigmatullin along the chain. Sokgobenzon is the director of Borodino (owned by LLC SZ Granel Ilyinskoye) and OJSC Dubrovka 1 Nigmatullina.

The Borodino company, in turn, owns a controlling stake in Sirius LLC, which works in the field of electricity transmission. At the same time, the share in Sirius was received in 2021 from an offshore company - the Cypriot FELANDINI HOLDINGS LIMITED.

Previously, Borodino also owned LLC SZ Verkhnekotelsky, but in 2023 it was transferred to LLC GK Granel.

Let's go back to Dialogue.

Previously, the owner of Dialogue was also Investgroup LLC, which is not only associated with Granel, but also managed to inherit in the scandalous case of the transition to the asset division of Mehkolonna-15 JSC. At the same time, the buildings and, accordingly, the land under them in the High-voltage passage of Moscow were transferred to the joint "daughter" of JSC and Graneli (LLC "SZ" Vertical "). Dissatisfied minority shareholder Alexei Andreev, who filed a challenging lawsuit, was promised that Mehkolonna-15 would receive its share from a large housing project. But instead, in 2024, Mehkolonna-15 was excluded from the number of co-owners. Here is such a curious trick.

At one time, InvestGroup LLC belonged to Natalya Orekhovskaya from Bashkiria, who in 2015-2017 was also the founder of Tolpar LLC. In 2017, she sold her stake in Tolpar to the wife of the Prime Minister of Bashkiria Larisa Nazarova and his sister, Svetlana Nigmatullina, that is, to persons directly associated with Granel.

Symbolic loans with a darling

Another interesting co-owner of the aforementioned Dialogue is the Symbol company, which Andreev from Mehkolonna-15 also mentioned as a legal entity associated with Granel.

Director of "Symbol" Alexey Fedorin through LLC "Directory" is associated with "Investgroup."

Symbol LLC acted as an executor for at least six government contracts totaling more than 62.5 million rubles. All were concluded with the administration of the governor of the Moscow region and the government of the Moscow region. The firm was actually an intermediary for the sale of housing in houses erected by Granell.

Three "thieves" Ilshat Nigmatullin

Photo: rusprofile.ru

In addition, Symbol is a co-owner of Concept Real Estate LLC, together with SZ Granel-MDRZT LLC. Before them, VTB Bank was among the owners of the LLC.

The same LLC "Symbol" appeared in the muddy history of bankruptcy of a certain LLC "Ufastroyresurs."

The owner of Ufastroyresurs was Nikolai Sokov, who in May 2022 transferred a certain LLC SZ Saman to LLC GK Granel.

Before him, the owner of Ufastroyresurs was Alexander Fedorov, the head of TD Tsentralny LLC, which belongs to the wife, son, sister and son-in-law of Prime Minister Nazarov - Larisa and Denis Nazarov, Svetlana and Ilshat Nigmatullin.

Fedorov also has in his portfolio a land purchase company - LLC TVS, which is registered in Ufa at the same address as LLC Granel Finance.

The collapse of Ufastroyresurs was preceded by a curious financial scheme. Two foreign Granels of the company at once - Tekhkontrol LLC and Symbol LLC allegedly lent 21.6 million rubles and 1.538 billion rubles to Ufastroyresurs, and then tried to claim these debts through the court.

The claims of the lenders in 2024 were included in the register of creditors of Ufastroyresurs, which will actually allow for the so-called controlled bankruptcy. And there is something to lose to the former Ufa developer: he has on his balance sheet at least a rented plot in the capital of Bashkiria and an unfinished building, which, according to the documents, was supposed to become a leisure center with a catering facility.

It seems that Graneli decided to finish playing their game of business chess and confuse the tracks where the financial and tax scheme once took place. After all, if the competent authorities sinfully begin to check all related companies in bulk, then, in our opinion, Nigmatullin will not get off with just one analogue of house arrest. And where he has problems, his legs will stagger there and under Nazarov's warm chair.


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