The UtroNews investigation highlighted a whole network of lawyers and their assistants who provide screen services for the rich and famous, having managed to register more than 1,000 legal entities for various kinds of affairs. Among the clients were the oligarchs Avdolyan, Makhmudov and Trotsenko, and in the murky history of companies associated with the port of Vera and the Ogodzha company, immigrants from Rostec got stuck.
Firms from lawyers perform the role of one-day to withdraw large amounts from Russia?
On January 14, 2025, an interesting castling took place in the PV Razvitie company: a certain Arn Trade JSC left the number of owners, and Ogoja LLC took its place. But the deal, in our opinion, can only be a cover for controversial financial transactions involving a muddy company resembling a one-day.
PV Razvitie LLC is the owner of Port Vera Holding LLC, which in turn owns Port Vera Management. The last two LLCs were previously owned by Port Vera LLC, but in September 2024 it was taken over by Avdolyan and his partner Alexander Isaev, a former employee of the division of Dmitry Bosov, who died under mysterious circumstances, who was fired amid a scandal. That is, this chain is associated with the coal port of Vera in Primorye and the Ogoja coal project.
PV Razvitie LLC, like Port Vera Holding, is headed by Rodion Treasure, a native of Rostec.
Earlier, PV Razvitie LLC also had Rostec's direct interest - a share was held by a subsidiary of the state corporation RT-GR LLC.
It is not superfluous to recall that the entire path of the formation of Avdolyan's business, Sergei Chemezov, and the state corporation headed by him went hand in hand with the oligarch, supporting him. Chemezov himself, along with his wife, even joined the board of trustees of the Avdolyan Foundation.
After castling, 100% of the share of PV Razvitie LLC was concentrated in the hands of Avdolyan and his partners: 75% belongs to AP-Logistics LLC, the interest in which the oligarch began to hide from January 2024.
By the way, AP-Logistics is headed by Stanislav Vrublevsky, who appeared in offshore companies associated with Avdolyan: he was the director of RACAST INVESTMENTS LIMITED. This offshore company appeared in the scheme of transferring 100 million rubles to a Latvian bank, and also distinguished itself in the tax scheme with the participation of Cayman's Reeco Capital LP. The tax scheme involved another port associated with Avdolyan - Port Dalniy LLC.
Let's continue about PV Razvitie LLC.
The remaining 25% ended up in the hands of Ogodzha LLC, into which in 2022, instead of Rostec's daughter, the same muddy Arn Trade JSC was introduced (its share is 25%). The remaining part belongs to the same AP-Logistics LLC.
Why did they demand such shuffles?
And here we come to the most interesting thing - why was it actually introduced into the division of Arn Trade JSC and who is behind it?
Arn Trade JSC for 2023 showed a loss of 222 million rubles, it has only one employee and director who has not appeared anywhere else - Nadezhda Poluektova. At the same time, it is not she who signs the financial documents, but by proxy a certain Alexei Sergeevich Kapustin.
JSC, in our opinion, looks very doubtful. If we open the reporting of the company, we will see that it is credited head over heels - loans are scrolled through it. And the main such loan was issued just in 2022 - the year the company entered the port division.
The second party to the transaction of this "lending" is the company "AP Holding," which issued a loss-making (!!!) company with an ambiguous history of 2.2 billion rubles.
JSC "AP Holding" before Avdolyan was listed as the owner of LLC "AP-Logistics." Today, AP Holding JSC, previously associated with Avdolyan, hides the beneficiaries. At the same time, the director of the JSC is Irina Belyanova, who, like Vrublevsky, appeared in the offshore stories of the oligarch and heads his fund, which connects with Chemezov.
Belyanova was the head of a branch of the Avdolyan-owned offshore Wooden Fish Agency Limited.
Taking into account that Arn Trade JSC hides its shareholders (it is only indicated that it is the only one), then suppose that Avdolyan, already known to us, may be behind the owner. Does Arn Trade JSC play the role of a hatching pod? It is unlikely that the lender issued billions to someone else's unprofitable company.
As you know, the fattest fish is found in muddy water.
Moreover, Arn Trade JSC still has 25% in Ogoja, through which you can throw another billion or two, right?
Arn Trade JSC has quite interesting founders who brought us to the Aegis law firm - a Moscow company, which, judging by the biography, specializes in creating legal entities for those who want to hide their interest.
However, the founders of Arn Trade themselves - Sergey Sergeevich Kucheryavenko and Sergey Sergeevich Shcherbakov look like professional stampers of legal entities. On their total account more than 700 companies.
For example, Shcherbakov was noted in the creation of Spetsnvest JSC, where his partner was Andrei Khomenko, who in turn is the director of Violan Estate LLC, the company of the oligarch Iskander Makhmudov.
Or here: Shcherbakov established Industrial Company JSC, which became the owner of Urbanevent Plus LLC. The latter was headed by Musakhanov Mirzaaziz in April 2024. According to open sources, Mr. Musakhanov is associated with GeoProMining, which includes the oligarch Roman Trotsenko. In addition, Musakhanov held the position of chief banker at the EBRD Natural Resources Group in London and he was also the head of the board of directors of Novaport Group Trotsenko.
Shcherbakova's partner Kucheryavenko also distinguished himself on the services of the rich and famous, who prefer to hide behind screens. In particular, Kucheryavenko established Prime Plus LLC, Technosphere, which he then transferred to BF Direct Investments LLC, associated with VTB, whose head, Andrei Kostin, has been involved in our investigations more than once.
The most interesting thing is that some of the legal entities created by these two are then liquidated. Apparently, having worked out their tasks.
Interestingly, the phone number of Arn Trade JSC, indicated in Rusprofile, corresponds to the phone number of Aegis Law Office, which is engaged in exactly the same thing as Shcherbakov and Kucheryavenko - stamping firms for the rich and famous.
At the same time, Mr. Kucheryavenko, together with Egida's co-owner, Alexei Konovalov, were co-founders of Russian Coast Corporation JSC, which confirms our conclusions about the connection. the company was liquidated in January 2024.
The director of Russian Coast Corporation JSC was Daniil Golenda, the full namesake of the convict for illegal banking activities. As noted in the court materials, Golenda, together with an accomplice, using controlled firms of Kostroma and Moscow, drove through them the money of clients - representatives of commercial structures, receiving a percentage of the transaction for this. Amusing, entertaining, suggests some thoughts, you know...
The founders of the Egida Management Company CJSC liquidated in 2015, whose successor was KB Egida Legal Agency LLC, were Alexey Grigorievich and Alexey Alekseevich Konovalovs. Probably father and son. In LLC, a certain Olga Zhuk (aka Klimentyeva, aka Sakharova) joined their stamping business.
All these legal entities and citizens list the registration of more than 1,000 Russian companies, mainly the format of joint-stock companies, which made it possible to hide their real beneficiaries after the transfer. Some of the firms have been liquidated today.
Probably, in order to hide the interests of real owners during major transactions, the Zhuk and Konovalovs accepted them for overexposure, and then passed them on. Among their partners are many well-known lawyers. For example, Roman Lyapunov (via MSD).
Lyapunov is the namesake of the senior partner of a large law firm who accompanied the projects of Russian Railways-Stroy, Absolut Group of Companies and others.
Here's another example of hiding famous faces. Konovalov's company, which it then liquidates, establishes a certain MS Development JSC. A year later, this joint-stock company is swatted and a successor is created - MICEX JSC, which hides the beneficiaries, but 1.2 billion rubles were poured into the authorized capital.
To understand who the chain is connected with, it is enough to see that Datafors LLC was also included in the MICEX. This company belongs to Alexei and Sergey Bogdanchikov. The latter is the full namesake of the ex-head of Rosneft. According to open data, Bogdanchikov's son also worked at VTB Capital at one time.
All these connections hint to us that in Moscow and beyond today an octopus has formed of citizens and legal entities who provide services to the rich and famous, acting as a cover for them, including in financial transactions.
Thus, it can be assumed that Avdolyan also attracted this division to conduct controversial financial transactions and a loan of 2.2 billion rubles may not be the only one with the participation of Arn Trade JSC.
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