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The Moscow Post

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Prosecutor's row: a scandal arose around Yunanov's construction site

In Rostov-on-Don, the local area of ​ ​ one new building is sliding towards another - there is a risk of an emergency, and instead of solving the problem, developers are tearing chubs at each other. On the battlefield, the company of a former prosecutor's employee of the Kuban, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory Boris Yunanov, who has a very ambiguous reputation, and another equally ambiguous developer, Moscow PIK Group of Companies Sergei Gordeev, grappled.

Until October 11, experts in the framework of litigation will have to answer questions why landslide processes of soil arose at the site in Rostov-on-Don, whether the construction site of Yunanov's company meets the standards and calculate the cost of repairs due to landslides. In the meantime, the chubs are fighting each other in the bar, the residents are suffering, as always. After all, one of the houses is already populated.

The Moscow Post correspondent found out the details.

Back in February 2024, the cry of the soul of the inhabitants of Dolomanovsky, 19 appeared in Rostov publics, from which it followed that the adjoining territory of the already settled house would begin to move towards the new "LCD 1799" (developer Neometria).

"The photo shows cracks, asphalt diverges, an electric board booth is threatened to slide down, previously concrete was poured there, but there is zero sense from this. The fence has already begun to lead and it smoothly goes down, cracks in the soil and on the railing, where the steps to the bottom of the yard. And then there may be a crack in the house and part of the backyard may collapse! " - writes the subscriber "Rostov Glavny."

The photos are really impressive.

Photo: vk.com

But, apparently, until May 2024, no one solved the problem. And only in May, PIK-Comfort Profi LLC from the PIK division of former Senator Sergei Gordeev, who was the developer of Dolomanovsky, 19, filed a lawsuit against LLC SZ PUSHKINSKAYA, HOUSE No. 1. That is, for several months now, two not the most unambiguous developers have been fighting each other's forelocks while the residents of the house are watching the diverging cracks through the window?

It should be noted here that both PIK and Neometria, which includes the second LLC, are by no means white and fluffy, and have already gained a lot of complaints about their construction sites.

In general, the editorial board of UtroNews reported on the situation around PIK more than once, noting the multimillion-dollar claims of the authorities against the background of a sharp drop in the group's annual indicators, and attempts to merge toxic assets, creating new ones in their place and with an impeccable reputation. And there is no need to talk about claims to the quality of construction.

For example, in 2020, REN TV reported a fire at the PIK site in Moscow. A house that is being built under the renovation program caught fire there, and although the fire was extinguished, according to the newspaper, some of the residents refused to move to houses still under construction. It was noted that Muscovites who have already moved in complain of poor quality, stating that it is literally dangerous to live in apartments.

That is, the plaintiff in the Rostov story himself with a stigma in fluff. However, the defendant is quite entertaining there.

So, in the arbitration of the Rostov region today, the claim of PIK-Comfort Profi LLC from the PIK division of the former senator Sergei Gordeev to LLC SZ PUSHKINSKAYA, HOUSE No. 1 is being heard.

The essence of the conflict is that some landslide processes in the area of ​ ​ housing development in Rostov-on-Don led to damage to infrastructure and improvement of apartment building No. 19, located in Dolomanovsky Lane (Dolomanovsky 19 residential complex). The latter was building just the same PIK.

The plaintiff demands to oblige the defendant to arrange retaining walls, drainage from the pit of the residential complex "1799," to organize geomonitoring of facilities adjacent to the construction site. Some material damage is also claimed, the amount of which has not yet been calculated. Simultaneously with the claim, PIK tried to stop the construction of ex-prosecutor Yunanov through interim measures, but the court calculated the claims disproportionate. Indeed, home buyers in the residential complex "1799" what are to blame?

Photo: kad.arbitr.ru

In early August, the court ordered an examination, which will be completed by October 11. The expert will have to establish the cause of the landslide processes of the soil, as well as the causal relationship with the neighboring construction site and establish whether the construction site of SZ PUSHKINSKAYA, DOM No. 1 LLC complies with the norms of urban planning law, mandatory construction and technical rules and the provisions of technical documentation.

Photo: kad.arbitr.ru

That is, in fact, the question of further construction of a residential complex of five buildings is at stake, in which up to 42% of apartments have already been partially sold out. And again, not those who need to be brought to justice already under criminal articles will suffer (no joke, arrange landslides!), But ordinary buyers who have borrowed mortgages from banks.

Photo: наш.дом.рф

LLC "SZ PUSHKINSKAYA, HOUSE No. 1" was established in October 2021 and, judging by the pledge, uses the money of the state VTB Bank in construction. The company is part of the Neometria Group of Companies division, at the end of the chain of ownership of which is Boris Yunanov (through Smart Development LLC, Neoaktiv LLC and Elias Group LLC).

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Earlier, UtroNews already talked about Yunanov when the reseller Sobyanin, co-owner of the development company Capital Group Pavel Teo, was paving the way for Moscow construction sites.

Yunanov is a former prosecutor of the Kuban (until 2007 he worked in the regional prosecutor's office, having gone from an investigator in the prosecutor's office of the Karasunsky district to a regional criminal prosecutor), a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory.

He was also mentioned in the high-profile and scandalous investigation "Golden Prosecutors of Kuban Construction Projects," which was later blocked by a court decision, but managed to cheer up the construction swamp of Krasnodar.

It's interesting: but after being fired from the department, Yunanov somehow abruptly entered the rating "Power and money. The income rating of civil servants is 2021, "and its construction group" Neometria "has acquired the status of a backbone enterprise in the Kuban. Then many wondered where the former civil servant essentially got such capital from? Around the same time, he became a defendant in a scandalous video investigation.

As reported by the publication "Pasmi" (recognized as a foreign agent on the territory of the Russian Federation), it was about a certain group of employees of the supervisory authority of the southern region, which allegedly systematically covered the violations of developers for the "ringing coin" and apartments, which were recorded as relatives of "patrons in uniform."

Then a number of names surfaced, and Yunanov was mentioned in conjunction with the head of the department for supervision over compliance with federal legislation of the prosecutor's office of the Krasnodar Territory, Yulia Palatkina.

It was Yunanov who filed a lawsuit against the author of the investigation, but not for the protection of the "honor of the uniform," but for the disclosure of personal data. And this itself raises questions you know.

As a result, the material was blocked by the court, but the author expressed the opinion that the verdict in favor of the plaintiff could have been dictated by his high ties. Indeed, even then there were rumors that Vadim Bugaenko, ex-head of the Investigative Department of the TFR in the Kuban, allegedly "registered" as the head of the security service in Yunanov's division after leaving the authorities. Yunanov himself did not publicly dispute this information.

But back to our Rostov construction site.

The most interesting thing is that even if the expert proves the defendant's guilt, then no one will most likely bring Yunanov's beneficiary to justice. Indeed, even at the start of construction, his GC covered its rear.

The general contractor of the construction is a certain LLC IC "TIS" and legally it has nothing to do with the division of the former prosecutor. But this is only legal.

The company has been owned since April 2022 by Margarita Avdysheva. And earlier, a number of individuals owned the asset, including Denis Anatolyevich Krasilnikov, who had close ties with Neometria (he was the director of SZ Club Quarter LLC, where a legal entity from the ex-prosecutor's division was among the co-owners).

It was Avdysheva who in 2022 transferred a number of companies previously associated with the Yunanov group. It seems like they were taken out of the loop in case of claims?

Moreover, one of the transferred firms - LLC IC "Lidergrupp" was a supplier under government contracts in the Kuban (the amount is more than 294 million rubles). Some of them were signed after the severance of ties with Neometria. Handy, isn't it?

Photo: rusprofile.ru

There is a situation when two notorious construction companies, rowing billions with a shovel from buyers, eventually shift the blame for quality onto each other, and the buyer of these "squares" remains the victim. The main culprits that stand at the end of the chain remain in white and continue to expand their appetites to more and more regions. And where is the justice?


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