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The Moscow Post

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Echo of the collapse of MRSEN: can the offshore steam locomotive Avdolyan finish under investigation?

The bankruptcy of enterprises and beneficiaries of the MRSEN energy holding that burst with the scandal continues to reveal the details of the fraud to withdraw 10 billion rubles from it outside Russia, as well as the role of the oligarch Avdolyan and his offshore companies in history.

In the case, another offshore oligarch surfaced - Star Generys LTD.

The UtroNews correspondent understood the story.

Recall that three years ago a criminal case was opened on the withdrawal from Russia of 10 billion rubles, stolen, according to the investigation, from the companies of the Rosseti division.

The defendants were 11 people, including the heads of companies belonging to the Mezhregionsoyuzenergo energy holding division. Nikolai Korneev, ex-manager of Mosuralbank, also came under investigation. Persons associated with MRSEN were shareholders of the bank and it was through it that part of the transactions were carried out.

The cunning scheme, organized by a whole criminal community, included the issuance of loans and technical loans to the bank, the purchase of certain bills, injections into the authorized capital of third legal entities, cession agreements.

Investigators named Eldar Osmanov, Yuri Shulgin and Bagrat Katalyanets as the main think tank of the community. The shareholder of MRSEN Osmanov, according to reports, went on the run and is on the wanted list.

Meanwhile, fragments of the MRSEN division are in bankruptcy, within the framework of which a register of creditors is being formed. It is bankruptcy cases that reveal more and more details about the role of Osmanov's relative, Albert Avdolyan, in this story.

At the end of September 2024, arbitration in the framework of the bankruptcy case of Khakasenergosbyt JSC, which was deprived of the status of a guaranteeing supplier in 2018, considered the issue of bringing persons controlling the debtor to subsidiary liability. As part of this case, ambiguous transactions were considered, which were turned through the JSC.

Among those transactions, there are three surety agreements from 2017 and an independent guarantee, the counterparty in which is offshore Sparkel City Invest Ltd.

Photo: ras.arbitr.ru

In the case file, it was repeatedly proved that the beneficiary of Sparkel City Invest LTD is Albert Avdolyan, who is related to Osmanov through the marriage of their children. It was clarified that the source of loans issued by the offshore was often Avdolyan himself, and the purpose of issuing loans to affiliates was to create controlled debt and increase the authorized capital "in debt."

Photo: ras.arbitr.ru

Photo: ras.arbitr.ru

Later, Sparkel itself and then its "subsidiary" AENP LLC, which is now called LLC TsIPE named after N.A. Popov, tried to enter the register of creditors of MRSEN companies. In fact, it looked like an attempt to take control of the bankruptcy of assets and withdraw part of the capital of the bursting pyramid.

Moreover, when the entire chain of communication between Avdolyan and Sparkel and Osmanov was opened in court with the filing of other creditors, AENP tried to bill the law firm for 4 billion rubles, which prepared a corresponding report. After this report, the courts began to refuse to include firms associated with Avdolyan in the register of creditors.

AENP even claimed falsification of evidence, but the court rejected such unfounded arguments.

Photo: ras.arbitr.ru

The affiliation of AENP itself was proved even when Sparkel was the owner, and can be traced now. Now the former AENP is controlled by Alexander Amosov, and in 2023, Latum LLC, established by the same Amosov and AENP director Alexei Bykov, received a 21% stake.

At the same time, Amosov owned a stake in AENP and at the same time with Sparkel, and Bykov from that moment was a director, which indicates a connection with Avdolyan.

Moreover, Bykov is a co-owner of Andayana Group LLC, where among his partners there is a director from Avdolyanovsky PJSC YATEK Andrei Korobov.

Photo: rusprofile.ru

That is, if we take as a fact proved by the courts that Avdolyan pumped up the MRSEN division with money through an offshore company, or in any case imposed corresponding loan and surety agreements, then the picture looks very interesting.

The fact is that in the materials of the above bankruptcy case, Khakasenergosbyt revealed the participation of another offshore Avdolyan in the history of pumping MRSEN with money.

Since the second quarter of 2017, in the division, which at that time was already quite credited, they launched some processes related to the intention to sell the asset to an independent investor. But it was only on paper independent of the existing beneficiaries.

On September 25, 2017, the beneficiaries of the holding signed an agreement on the acquisition by Stars Generis Ltd of a part of the holding, including a stake in Khakasenergosbyt. The agreement provided for a reverse option of up to 50% of the holding's companies after 01.10.2019 and a profit share of 360 million rubles before the specified date. A reverse option is the right to buy back your shares. A very controversial deal in itself.

Further - more.

Judging by the materials of the courts, as part of the implementation of the economic strategy for the sale of the holding to the offshore, due to interconnected transactions, millions of rubles were pumped into the holding and some independent directors were introduced into the management structure. At the same time, BBR Bank, Mosuralbank, as well as companies owned by Avdolyan were involved in the transactions.

It is ridiculous in this scheme that Stars Generis Ltd is another offshore Avdolyan, which has been a relative of the main shareholder of MRSEN Eldar Osmanov since 2017. That is, in fact, the same person increased the accounts payable of the division through one offshore, and he was also a controlling person through another Cypriot company. A similar scheme, under the cover of proxies - screens, the oligarch has already turned around a group of Stavropol enterprises and offshore companies have also appeared there.

Photo: ras.arbitr.ru

An interesting fact: in 2023, when the issue of bringing to subsidiary liability for debts of another bankrupt fragment of MRSEN - PJSC "Arkhangelsk Sales Company" was considered, the runner from the investigation Osmanov made a scandalous statement.

He stated falsification of evidence - "Main legal terms of the transaction for the acquisition of key companies of the MRSEN group and the granting of an option to beneficiaries" dated 25.09.2017 and "Supplemented and amended main legal terms of the transaction for the acquisition of key companies of the MRSEN group and the granting of an option to beneficiaries" dated September 2017, concluded by Star Generys LTD (controlled by Avdolyan A.A.) on the one hand and Osmanov E.H. and Shulgin Yu.V. on the other hand. Osmanov actively resisted recognizing himself as the second ultimate beneficiaries of the MRSEN Group of Companies. Indeed, in this case, the agreement with Star is already pulling with another darling.

Osmanov's claims of falsification were rejected, and he himself was warned of punishment for false denunciation.

Photo: ras.arbitr.ru

PJSC Rosseti Siberia suggested that the reasons for the insolvency of Khakasenergosbyt were transactions, including the transit transfer of funds. That is, in fact, a financial scheme was organized within the division, which brought it to the company's handle. Given that the companies allegedly owed large sums to Avdolyan's offshore companies and part of the sums were even paid, then a reasonable question arises, why does the oligarch's surname not appear next to Osmanov and Shulgin? After all, his active participation in the financial schemes of the MRSEN has already been repeatedly proven.

Recall that instead of asking questions to Avdolyan, his offshore was suddenly made a victim in the case.

How can one not believe that the unsinkability of the oligarch is justified by his close connection with such a major player in the political and economic Olympus of Russia as the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov. It is not for nothing that the latter is a member of the board of trustees of the Avdolyan "New House" foundation, immigrants from Rostec, like the same Rodion Treasure, have shares in Avdolyan's companies, and the state corporation itself went hand in hand the entire way of Avdolyan's business, supporting in especially ambiguous situations.


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