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The Moscow Post

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"System" Yevtushenkov will cover Adler with "Wave"

As the UtroNews correspondent reports, litigation continues in the Krasnodar Territory around the property of the former Vesna boarding house, which until recently was developed by Volna Resort End SPA JSC.

On the eve of the Fourth Court of Cassation checked the legality of the privatization of the boarding house, which took place decades ago.

The case for the privatization of the boarding house will be reviewed again. However, even before that, the property of the boarding house worth 14 billion rubles was seized in favor of the state at the suit of the Prosecutor General's Office.

What happens around the "Wave"

Law enforcement questions can be understood. According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the 15-storey Volna hotel (formerly Vesna), built by investors, turned out to be some very dubious "hotel" - as a result of a series of court decisions, it turned into an apartment complex, divided into 562 independent real estate objects. Then their sale began.

Subsequently, two unnamed citizens filed a lawsuit, demanding to recognize their hotel rooms in this complex as separate real estate objects. Both did not appear in court, and the representatives of the defendant agreed with the arguments of the applicants. In fact, this is the legalization of real estate and elite plots of land in the most famous Russian resort. Then you can do anything with them. What kind of comprehensive development of tourism and hotel infrastructure can we talk about then?

According to our sources, the owner of AFK Sistema Vladimir Yevtushenkov could have taken advantage of the situation. Now he is actively developing the tourism business, continuing his expansion in Sochi. In 2023, the Cosmos Hotel Group of the oligarch took over the Cosmos Adler Hotel 4 near the Adler station. And in March of this year - the operator of a five-star hotel complex on the basis of the pension "Thin Cape," where 1 thousand rooms are planned.

It seems that the authorities of the Krasnodar Territory and Sochi have set their sights on the comprehensive development of the hotel business in the interests of a narrow group of oligarchs. In the same Adler, the court has recently seized 30 hotels at once in favor of the state.

Among them was the "wave." In support of the stated requirements for the seizure of property, the Prosecutor General's Office checked the legality of the use of land of specially protected natural areas and revealed the facts of illegal disposal of highly liquid real estate objects from the possession of the Russian Federation, as well as the adoption by the Sochi administration of decisions contrary to the law on the transfer of land plots to a commercial organization for use, federal property, and their unauthorized development, which entailed damage to the state and damage to soils and soil invertebrates as objects of environmental protection.

The lawsuit was filed against a group of 28 defendants - perhaps we are talking about the shareholders of Volna Resort End SPA JSC. The claim was satisfied, and among the claims was compensation for environmental damage by 14 billion rubles. I.e. the total amount of claims against the owners of the property of the former boarding house is under 28 billion rubles.

Photo: https://sochi-adler--krd.sudrf.ru/modules.php?name=sud_delo&...

Among the third parties were VTB and Absolut banks, which could lend to investors. What kind of investors are these?

Who is "in interest"

According to the Web, allegedly as a result of a series of transactions, the property of the former boarding house ended up with Ruben Tatulyan. He is also called one of the main "victims" of the nationalization of a series of hotels in Sochi in recent years. He, Tatulyan, as well as his alleged relative Alvart Tatulyan are indicated among the defendants in the claim of the Prosecutor General's Office.

Rumor has it that Tatulyan may be close to the criminal world. As if there he is known under the pseudonym "Robson," and behind his eyes he is even called "looking" for Sochi. He is a large entrepreneur who owns a lot of assets in the Krasnodar Territory. It takes a really serious player to counter him. Yevtushenkov?

In March 2023, searches were carried out in the offices and residential buildings of Ruben Tatulyan. The security forces came to his closest companion. According to investigators, their multibillion-dollar empire, disguised as investments in residential and commercial real estate, was built at the expense of fraud and major scams.

According to media reports, both businessmen may become involved in a large criminal case on fraud in the construction of shopping centers and residential complexes in Sochi. However, even before the start of investigative measures, the friends left the territory of Russia, leaving their multimillion-dollar cottages empty.

And here is a convenient moment for you to "squeeze out" Tatulyan's "Wave" on the sly?

At the same time, according to the Web, Tatulyan allegedly sold the asset (or a significant part of it) to new investors - businesswoman Yulia Khludneva and Hayk Zabelyan - the founder and CEO of the large development holding AR Group.

The developer is building residential and commercial real estate. Among the objects of the "AR Group" is the residential complex "Sea Symphony 2," positioned as "the largest among all residential complexes in Sochi and Adler." According to the network, allegedly Mr. Zabelyan is close to the authorities of the city of Sochi.

It is Zabelyan and Khludneva who today can be the beneficiaries of Volna Resort and Spa JSC. The composition of the owners of the latter is hidden. But the company has already managed to receive several government contracts for 4.8 million rubles - it leased sports facilities.

Previously, Zabelyan was the director of Volna Resort and Spa JSC. Today he is the founder of three organizations - Real Estate 2014 LLC, AR Group LLC and Yugparitet LLC.

It is much more interesting that earlier Zabelyan was a co-owner of Krasmashevsky Specialized Developer LLC, whose owners included a man named Gavril Yushvaev - also the name of a famous businessman who is credited with connections with crime ("Garik Makhachkala"). Recall that it was Yushvaev's guards who at one time were associated with the shooting near the Oko tower in Moscow City.

Photo: Rusprofile.ru

Thus, Zabelyan and Yushvaev can work together - and the first can represent the interests of the second in Sochi. They decided to "cut" the former boarding house into more than 500 real estate objects?

In October last year, the developer Krasmashevsky received a positive conclusion from the state examination for a project for the conversion of a cultural heritage site of regional significance "Kirov Sanatorium, where hospitals No. 3206, 3183 were located during the Great Patriotic War," located in the Central District of Sochi. Now, on the eve of Victory Day, it looks somewhat blasphemous.

Now the developer belongs to Vertical + LLC, Garegin Atulyan and Juliet Zabelyan, who may be a relative of Hayk Zabelyan. All 100% of the shares are pledged by Sberbank, and the value of the assets of the structure is minus almost 50 million rubles. I.e. "Walk" they are not on their own?

Photo: Rusprofile.ru

Vertical + LLC is owned by a certain Karapet Markarian, and looks more like a fictitious structure on which you can dump debts in case of problems. The value of assets is minus 190 million rubles. The company does not conduct financial activities, it has one employee with 10 thousand authorized capital. Pure fiction?

As for the second alleged beneficiary of Volna Resort End SPA JSC, Yulia Khludneva, she previously successfully developed IT infrastructure and real estate consulting for developers in Sochi. Perhaps she provided similar services to the same Tatulyan and Zabelyan, as a result of which she got into the "cage."

Khludneva is the founder of 11 organizations, including IT companies and real estate rental structures. She is also the owner of the development company and real estate platform Nedvex. Among others, attention is attracted by the Alliance Business Center LLC, which leases the area. The structure can be used for doubtful financial transactions. She has almost no revenue, but in 2022 alone, she managed to help out 340 million rubles at once in order to drop to zero next year.

The company can be a "gasket" for moving money from dubious projects like the Volna hotel complex. At the same time, Khludneva herself may not be in the country for a long time. In 2024, she announced a development project in a mango grove on the island of Bali together with Andrei Kapitanov, the creator of the capital's public spaces "Bakery" and "Supermetal."

In any case, the proceedings around the situation with the "wave" are not yet completed - and if Vladimir Yevtushenkov is really a real beneficiary of this scandal, then he still has a long struggle for the asset.


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