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The Moscow Post

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Business intimacy: Andrey Ryumin and Andrey Boksha covered themselves with a screen

The buyer of federal facilities in Moscow - buildings and land on the street. 3rd Mytishchinskaya for almost 2.6 billion rubles, bypassing six competitors, was a unprofitable company with one employee and a penny authorized capital. But behind the owner looms very famous persons - the founder of Capital Group Pavel Te and the general director of Rosseti Andrei Ryumin.

Did you cover the deal with face value?

The details were found out by the UtroNews correspondent.

On May 24, 2024, the state-owned company Dom.RF sold under the hammer federal property - buildings with a total area of ​ ​ 32,377 square meters. m with land plots of 42,176 square meters. m on the street 3rd Mytishchinskaya, as well as non-residential premises with an area of ​ ​ 1,639,8 square meters. m

The deal was decided by the government commission for the development of housing construction and assessment of the effectiveness of the use of plots. The starting price of the lot was 1.02 billion rubles, but due to the large number of participants, it was quickly raised and the winner took the assets for almost 2.6 billion rubles.

Business intimacy: Andrey Ryumin and Andrey Boksha covered themselves with a screen

Photo: https://torgi.gov.ru

In total, seven companies took part in the auction, including major players in the construction market, for example, such as a legal entity from the Samolet Group of Companies, where Maxim Vorobyov, the governor of the Moscow Region, is interested in taking. But in the end, an unknown company, concocted in 2021, bypassed everyone - a certain City Estate LLC.

Business intimacy: Andrey Ryumin and Andrey Boksha covered themselves with a screen

Photo: https://torgi.gov.ru

The company specializing in the sale of property has an authorized capital of 100 thousand rubles, one employee in the state and a loss for 2023 in the amount of 7.3 million rubles. These "symptoms" hint to us that the LLC bought objects for almost 2.6 billion rubles not for itself and not for its own money.

Business intimacy: Andrey Ryumin and Andrey Boksha covered themselves with a screen

Photo: rusprofile.ru

The owner and director of City Estate is Andrei Boksha. In his business portfolio, judging by the data of Rusprofile, there are nine legal entities, but even together the proceeds from them do not cover fresh purchases.

Business intimacy: Andrey Ryumin and Andrey Boksha covered themselves with a screen

Photo: rusprofile.ru

At the same time, it is not the first time that Boksha has been buying expensive state assets. So, for example, in December 2023, he bought back shares of the regional Krasnoyarsk Analytical Center (KAC) for 475 million rubles, having received ownership rights to a plot and a building in Moscow on Garibaldi Street, ow 24.

And in 2021, Boksha won the auction for a plot of 609,380 +/-546 sq. m in the Moscow region near the village of Golikovo, which was sold as part of the bankruptcy of Novoskhodnenskoye M LLC, whose co-owner was previously the co-chairman of Delovaya Rossiya Anton Danilov-Danilyan. The deal was almost 602 million rubles, the buyer was Prime Real Estate LLC, where Boksha had 50%, and a certain Mikhail Nesterov had the same amount.

Nesterov headed Technopark LLC, a subsidiary of Moskapremont JSC, which is controlled by the capital construction department of the capital. This kind of hints to us that Boksha was helped to acquire the necessary connections.

Business intimacy: Andrey Ryumin and Andrey Boksha covered themselves with a screen

Photo: https://old.bankrot.fedresurs.ru

Golikovo Boksha is unlikely to build several hundred households himself. Most likely, all purchased assets are planned to be resold with bulk.

After the deal in 2021, Boksha was first associated with Te, but Capital Group denied this connection. But the facts tell us otherwise.

With Pavel Te and Andrei Ryumin, Boksha's interests intersected more than once and by no means one asset. For example, among the co-owners, Prime-Invest LLC managed to inherit Ryumin, Pavel Te, and Boksha, as well as Te's son German, director of his own company Capital Group Valentina Stanova, Te Holding Development LLC itself.

Only in 2019, Prime Invest was sold to a certain Elitkompleks LLC, which previously belonged to the Cyprus offshore, and now to the Kaliningrad company of the same name, Khloen Holdings. The latter was associated with persons close to the oligarch Viktor Vekselberg.

Business intimacy: Andrey Ryumin and Andrey Boksha covered themselves with a screen

Photo: rusprofile.ru

The interests of these defendants also intersected in Promsoyuz LLC, which also went to Elitkompleks LLC.

Boksha was also the director of Signum Invest LLC, in whose biography he inherited Ryumin and Holding Development LLC Te, and now the asset is owned by Viserios LLC, which is owned by the same Te and his proxies.

In addition, in Savkom LLC, which works in the real estate sector, Ryumin's share in December 2023 went to Boksha.

In addition, Boksha in 2021 was the director of Signum Group LLC and Signum Real Estate LLC, which belong to Andrei Ryumin. And in Scientific-6 LLC, Boksha's share has been laid down by Ryumin since 2024, which indicates the connection of these two at present. And also about a possible "sponsorship" at least under a deal to buy a stake in this LLC.

Business intimacy: Andrey Ryumin and Andrey Boksha covered themselves with a screen

Photo: rusprofile.ru

The duet of Ryumin and Te is quite interesting. Indeed, in fact, Rosseti is also a connection of new buildings to communications, that is, the reseller Sobyanin has the opportunity to solve questions in this area as well, when he brings new players to the capital market.

As for Ryumin, for several years now he has preferred not to shine "face" not only in various kinds of transactions, but also, it seems, generally prefers to clean up any negative in his address. For example, in 2021, an attempt was made to remove the journalistic investigations of The Moscow Post, which dealt with corruption scandals and opaque schemes.

At one time, Ryumin inherited more than once in ambiguous stories. For example, as reported by Regnum in 2020, the FAS in the Leningrad Region then opened a case against PJSC Lenenergo and the committee on tariffs and pricing policy of the region, since the management threatened the existence of JSC LOESK in the electric power market.

But in general, the combination of Te and Ryumin is more than obvious, and the unwillingness to shine a face is quite successful through the appointed screen. The role of this may well be played by such "boksha."

Te, who was not nicknamed Sobyanin's reseller from scratch, quite often practices attracting "proxies" to transactions. That is, buying using face value is by no means his first experience. You can often see in this field the general director of his division, Valentina Stanova, or Te's business partner for other firms, Maria Pak.

Most likely, the objects on the 3rd Mytishchinskaya are waiting for the fate of the lands of the former MiG plant and other plots previously purchased by Te on the occasion. A large lot is crushed and sold in parts to small players with not bad margins. And sometimes it is through such transactions that Te helps participants with a tarnished reputation enter the market.

We believe that we will see Mr. Boksha more than once at the auction for state assets as a representative of those who prefer not to shine their name. No wonder he created new legal entities in 2023...


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